José Ribamar Smolka Ramos
Artigos e Mensagens
Julho 2006 Índice Geral
----- Original Message -----
Falando em IPv6... Estava
"xeretando" o que anda acontecendo com os working groups do
que estão tratando de mobilidade com IPv6, e encontrei um
grupo interessante, chamado monami6 (Mobile
Nodes and Multiple Interfaces in IPv6). A página do
grupo no site do IETF é, e eles
mantém uma página adicional em
O assunto é novo (o grupo só foi
estabelecido em outubro do ano passado), mas já desenha
algumas coisas muito interessantes. Em particular, vou
transcrever para vcs os cenários descritos em um dos
documentos draft do grupo (Motivations
and Scenarios for Using Multiple Interfaces and Global
Addresses em
Boa leitura... Em outro post farei comentários adicionais.
Mona is just getting out of a meeting with customers in a
building. She calls her head office. This audio
communication is initiated via a private wireless local area
network (WLAN) link realized over one of the available WI-FI
hot-spots in the building. This is going to be a long call
and she must attend another meeting a few minutes drive from
here. She walks to a taxi stand, and boards a taxi. The
audio communication is automatically transferred to the
public wireless metropolitan area network (WMAN) over the
WIMAX network deployed in the city, with no interruption of
the communication.
Oliver is on his way to
work waiting at a train station. He uses this opportunity
and the presence of a WLAN hot-spot to download the news
from his favorite on-line news channel. While Oliver is
downloading the news, he receives a phone call over a wide
area cellular link. Oliver decides he wishes to initiate a
video flow for this communication. The bandwidth and
traversal delay of the wide area cellular link is not
adequate for the video conference, so both flows (video/audio)
are transferred to the WLAN link provided by the hot-spot.
This transfer occurs transparently and without affecting the
other active flows.
Nami works at home for a
publishing company. She has an in-house network and get
access to the Internet via ADSL, a public 802.11b WLAN from
the street and satellite. She has subscribed to the cheapest
ADSL service with limited uplink bandwidth. Also, the
satellite link she has access to is downlink only, but it is
extremely cheap for TV broadcasting. She has noticed the
802.11b link is unreliable at some point in time during the
day, so she chooses to send requests and periodic
refreshments for joining the TV broadcasting via ADSL rather
than 802.11b although it is free. On the other hand, she has
configured her network to use the 802.11b link at night to
publish web content comprising video. Once a week, she
communicates with overseas peer staff by videoconferencing.
Voice being the most important, she has configured her VoIP
session over ADSL. Video is sent at maximum rate when
802.11b is working fine, otherwise the video is sent at
lower rate.
Alice is a paramedic.
Her ambulance is called at the scene of a car accident. She
initiates a communication to a hospital via a wide area
cellular link for the relay of low bit-rate live video from
the site of the crash to assess the severity of the accident.
It is identified that one of the passengers has suffered a
severe head injury. The paramedic decides to consult a
specialist via video conferencing. This session is initiated
from the specialist via the same wide area cellular link.
Meanwhile, the paramedic requests for the download of the
patient medical records from the hospital servers. The
paramedic decides in mid-session that the wide area cellular
link is too slow for this download and transfers the
download to the ambulance satellite link. Even though this
link provides a significantly faster bit rate it has a
longer traversal delay and only down-link is available. For
this, only the downstream of the download is transferred
while upstream proceeds over the wide area cellular link.
Connectivity with the ambulance is managed over a WLAN link
between the paramedic and the ambulance. Even though the
paramedic has performed a partial hand-off for the transfer
of the download down-stream to the satellite link, the
upstream and the video conferencing session remains on the
wide area cellular link. This serves best the time
constraint requirements of the real time communications.
Max drives his car and
constantly keeps some sort of Internet connectivity through
one of the available access technologies. His car navigator
downloads road information from the Internet and his
car-audio plays on-line audio streaming. When his car passes
an area where both high-data-rate WLAN and low-data rate
cellular network are available, it distributes load to the
WLAN access and the cellular network access. When his car
passes an area where only a wide coverage-range cellular
network is available, the connection is maintained via the
cellular network.
Dr. Ingrid performs an
operation via long-distance medical system. She watches a
patient in a battlefield over the screen which delivers
real-time images of the patient. Sensors on her arms deliver
her operational actions and a robot performs the actual
operation in the battlefield. Since the operation is
critical, the delivery of patient images and Dr. Ingrid's
action is done by bi-casting from/to multiple interfaces
bound to a distinct technology or distinct radio range. So
in case packets are delayed or one of the interfaces fails
to maintain connectivity to the network, her distant
operation can be continued.
Roku is at the airport
waiting to board the plane. She receives a call from her
husband. This audio communication is received via a wireless
local area network (WLAN) link realized over one of the
available hot-spots. She knows this is going to be a long
flight and wishes to catch up on some work. Roku uses a WLAN
connection to download the necessary data. However, there is
not enough time and she decides to accelerate the download.
Her notebook is equipped with an additional WLAN interface.
She decides to use this additional WLAN interface to connect
to another access point, and distribute the different
download flows between the two wireless interfaces.
[ ]'s
J. R. Smolka