José Ribamar Smolka Ramos
Artigos e Mensagens
Março 2009 Índice Geral
• Mensagem de José Smolka: Modelos de negócio em colisão (1)
----- Original Message -----
From: José de Ribamar Smolka Ramos
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 3:53 PM
Subject: [] Modelos de negócio em colisão
Boa Tarde pessoal,
Algum tempo atrás escrevi um post sobre a profunda modificação que o IMS
representa para o modelo de negócio das operadoras de telecom, e arrisquei uma
previsão: se nada for feito, o modelo de negócios da Internet irá "passar o
rodo" no modelinho confortável que as operadoras tem mantido até aqui (e que,
parece, acreditam que deve ser possível manter de pé exclusivamente com base em
barreiras regulatórias).
Pois bem... quem viver verá. Os primeiros estrondos da grande colisão já são
audíveis, como pode ser visto
nesta matéria ,
que transcrevo abaixo.
Boa leitura e meditação...
[ ]'s
J. R. Smolka
Fonte: Rethink Wireless
Operators furious at Nokia's Skype bundling
Ever since Nokia got serious about becoming a web services provider, it has run
into conflicts of interest with its key channel to market, the European cellcos,
which want to promote their own internet brands rather than Nokia's Ovi, Comes
With Music and so on.
Now the Finnish company has gone a step further, supporting open web brands such
as Facebook alongside Ovi, and the UK operators are leading the backlash against
its latest deal, with Skype.
Orange and O2 UK are both quoted by as saying they are "furious"
at Nokia's plans to preload the Skype telephony client on the upcoming N97
superphone, though in O2's case, this may be posturing, since it has not
announced plans to carry the N97, which will compete with its star handset, the
The two operators may refuse to carry phones with the Skype feature embedded in
the UK or other territories - although it is worth remembering that Orange made
similar threats about Nokia MusicStore, but later came to a compromise agreement
with the handset market leader over offering some Ovi services alongside its own
applications and stores.
T-Mobile is supporting the Nokia/Skype offer, as is 3, which has been the most
aggressive carrier in supporting open web brands, and even offers phones
optimized for access to Skype, Facebook and others. An N97 with embedded Skype
would provide a high end complement to these low cost devices. The Nokia
flagship will ship in June, and the Skype version a couple of months later.
Skype services will be integrated into the N97 address book, enabling users to
see when Skype contacts are online and to employ instant messaging and low cost