José Ribamar Smolka Ramos
Artigos e Mensagens
Julho 2010 Índice Geral
• Sempre é bom saber que alguém concorda com você...
de J. R. Smolka <>
para WirelessBR <>,
data 12 de julho de 2010 09:23
assunto [Celld-group] Sempre é bom saber que alguém concorda com você
Minha opinião sobre os caminhos percorridos pelas operadoras móveis nos seus
serviços de dados é conhecida, e publicada em diversos posts aqui nos grupos e
no site e-Thesis. Mas sempre dá um certo conforto quando alguém mais publica
algo que concorda com o que você vem dizendo há algum tempo.
É o caso
deste editorial do Fierce Wireless Europe desancando a burrice dos modelos
de tiered pricing, tão na moda hoje para as redes 3G.
De quebra mais uma má notícia para aqueles que (como eu) esperavam que o WiMAX
formasse uma alternativa sólida ao rolo compressor das operadoras celulares (que
rezam todas, hoje, pela cartilha do 3GPP) no fornecimento de acesso a serviços
de telecomunicações em modo IP nativo. Segundo
este artigo o órgão regulador da Rússia voltou atrás e vai permitir que as
operadoras usem LTE nas mesmas alocações de espectro anteriormente destinadas ao
Prometo para breve um post explicando porque acho que este "monocromatismo" do
acesso móvel é ruim para os usuários.
[ ]'s
J. R. Smolka
Tiered data pricing and a missed opportunity
July 9, 2010 — 12:08pm ET | By Paul Rasmussen
The hurried introduction of tiered data pricing--first triggered by AT&T--has
been roundly condemned by industry pundits as a backward step. Having set
consumers' expectations with notions of 'unlimited data', O2 and others have now
introduced data plans more focused on what they can profitably provide rather
than what users might want.
While 'unlimited' never quite meant what was advertised, consumers felt
reassured with the concept. With tiered pricing operators are now asking these
same users to understand what 50Mb means in terms of the number of internet
pages accessed, the size of downloads or the duration of a video stream in terms
of data volumes.
However, the MVNO Giffgaff, which is owned by O2 Telefonica, has decided to
ignore this trend and stated that it would not be scrapping its unlimited data
plans. The company, which claims it has discussed this refusal to follow the
herd with its parent O2 Telefonica, maintains that it has a very different
customer base to O2 so it would be wrong to drop the concept just because other
operators have done an about turn.
Albeit that Giffgaff is far from being a traditional MVNO and considers itself
to be more of a social networking company with a focus on increasing engagement
between members, the worry must be of attracting the wrong sort of user--the
data-hungry consumer less worried about social chitchat.
The company's MD, Mike Fairman, has admitted that there is a worry that this
could occur, and data usage patterns would be carefully monitored.
Whether Giffgaff can survive by offering a service that other, significantly
larger, operators have withdrawn, will be watched closely by other MVNOs that
might consider offering a similar service to their niche customer base.
However, the blunt instrument of tiered pricing would seem to lack imagination
given the sophisticated technology available to operators. Policy-control
techniques and real-time charging platforms are capable of enabling much more
than what is essentially an exercise in capping data consumption.
Perhaps the reoccurrence of their networks becoming overburdened with smartphone
traffic--and the resulting bad publicity--has promoted this knee-jerk reaction
by operators. But the opportunity to implement something creative using Deep
Packet Inspection or policy control would seem to have been missed, and instead
there has been a hurried retreat to what worked previously.
After many years waiting and hoping that mobile data traffic would become a
meaningful element of an operator's business, its arrival would seem to have
caught the community totally by surprise. - Paul
Read more: Tiered data pricing and a missed opportunity - FierceWireless:Europe
Russian WiMAX-to-LTE transition given go ahead
July 9, 2010 — 12:24pm ET | By Paul Rasmussen
The Russian telecoms regulator Roskomnadzor has caved in and given WiMAX
operator Yota (Scartel) and national operator Rostelecom the OK to use their
existing frequency allocations for deploying LTE networks.
The regulator had previously taken a hard line with these requests and
stipulated that the allotted spectrum was to be used for a WiMAX build out and
not used for other wireless technologies.
Yota, the brand adopted by Scartel for its WiMAX network, launched its service
in September 2008 and was reported to have broken even after five months of
operating the network in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The company had been a keen
advocate of WiMAX and was the first to announce that it wanted to migrate to LTE,
causing an upheaval within the WiMAX community.
Scartel (it remains unclear what will happen to the Yota branding) has stated
that it plans to start construction of a commercial LTE network this summer
covering 15 cities, with five networks going live before the end of 2010.
Rostelecom said that it hopes to launch LTE networks in regions where it holds
licences, with a target date of service availability of mid-2011.
Both operators said they were preparing LTE tests using Russian equipment.
Separately, the country's top three cellular providers have written to the
Communications Ministry requesting a ban on the non-competitive distribution of
LTE spectrum to companies which might acquire them for further sale.
Reports indicate that these operators fear smaller companies would be awarded
spectrum and that would have a detrimental impact on users. Two potential firms--Voentelecom
and its subsidiary Osnova Telecom, have been named as likely winners.
The owner of these companies, the Russian Defence Ministry, already owns the
bulk of Russian frequencies, and has requested surplus frequencies to resell
them to other companies or offer services to households.
Read more: Russian WiMAX-to-LTE transition given go ahead - FierceWireless:Europe