
WirelessBr é um site brasileiro, independente, sem vínculos com empresas ou organizações, sem finalidade  comercial,  feito por voluntários, para divulgação de tecnologia em telecomunicações 

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Ultra Wide Band - Ultra Banda Larga
Notícias: Setembro 2006

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Notícias: Setembro 2006

Blog UWB

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Seção UWB do site WirelessBR

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Uma observação válida para todos os textos que possuem hiperlinks: Alguns sites costumam mudar o endereço de notícias e artigos, deslocando-os para seus "arquivos" internos. Nestes casos, recomenda-se tentar localizá-los pelos títulos via sites de busca. De um modo geral, podemos também encontrar textos "desaparecidos" no "cache" desses "buscadores". 


Ultrawidebandplanet.com - The Source for UltraWideBand Business ...
ultra-wideband (UWB) technology and business information.

Ultra Wideband Frequently Asked Questions
Ultra Wideband (UWB) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ... Measured Emissions Data
for Use in Evaluating the Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Emissions Limits in the ...

UWB Tutorials
Ultra Wideband (UWB) systems transmit signals across a much wider frequency ...
UWB FAQ Frequently Asked Questions about Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology. ...

Ultra-Wideband Platforms
Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has the key attributes necessary to add ...
Freescale's XS110 Ultra-Wideband (UWB) solution provides full wireless ...

Ultra-wideband - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is a technology for transmitting information spread over a
large bandwidth that should, in theory and under the right circumstances, ...

UWB Forum
The UWB Forum reinforced its commitment to the commercialization of
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology worldwide, following a meeting of the Institute of ...

An introduction to Ultra Wideband (UWB) wireless
This site tracks the latest hardware technologies, products, trends, and issues
relating to the development of next-generation intelligent, ...

Ultra-Wideband (UWB) Technology, Technology & Research at Intel
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) technology brings the convenience and mobility of wireless
communications to high-speed interconnects in devices throughout the digital ...

ExtremeUWB - Ultra Wide Band Technology and News
Extreme UWB provides exclusive ultra wideband technology news and analysis.
UWB technology topics including ultra wideband reviews.

Bluetooth Meets Ultra-Wideband (UWB)
Audio/video hardware and software reviews for audiophile consumers.

What is UWB? - A Word Definition From the Webopedia Computer ...
This page describes the term UWB and lists other pages on the Web where you can
... Short for Ultra Wide Band, a wireless communications technology that can ...

Ultra-wideband - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ultra-Wideband (UWB) is a technology for transmitting information spread over a
large bandwidth that should, in theory and under the right circumstances, ...

UWB and Zigbee Chipsets Revolutionize Wireless Personal Area ...
Business Wire India (press release) - New Delhi,India
The unprecedented increase in consumer demand for wireless connectivity is the prime driver of growth in the ultrawideband (UWB) and ZigBee chipset market. ...
See all stories on this topic

NYC-Area Nursing Homes to Get UWB RFID Systems
RFID Journal - USA
... 2006—Real-time location systems (RTLS) provider Parco Wireless has announced a line of tracking hardware and software based on ultra-wideband (UWB) technology ...

Clash of the wireless-USB standards
EDN.com - Newton,MA,USA
... The answer that arose was the UWB (ultrawideband) radio, which works by spreading its radiated energy over many gigahertz, so that it is too weak to interfere ...


Complemente sua pesquisa: Google (com opção de páginas em português)

Todo o conteúdo sobre Tecnologia deste Blog foi coletado na web via sites de busca ou enviado por colaboradores voluntários, com o único propósito de informar e compartilhar conhecimento, sem finalidade comercial. Tecnologia, neste caso, é sinônimo de organizações, empresas, produtos e serviços. Há sempre preocupação em citar as fontes. No entanto, se alguma pessoa , física ou jurídica, sentir-se prejudicada em seus direitos, basta um comunicado e a matéria será reformulada ou retirada. 

All the contents about technology of this Section were collected in the web via search sites or were sent by voluntary collaborators, with the only purpose of informing and sharing knowledge. Technology, in this case, is a synonim for organizations, enterprises, products and services. There will be always the preoccupation in mentioning the sources.. However, if any person or enterprise will happen to feel damaged in their rights, they may just send a note and the material will be reformulated.