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VoIP - Voz sobre IP
Notícias - Julho 2006

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Notícias - Julho 2006

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Lucro da Vivax cai 82,6%
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... A companhia aproveitou para anunciar o lançamento do serviço de voz sobre IP (VoIP) no terceiro trimestre deste ano e afirmar que também está em fase de ...

BT to announce price cut plans this week - report
Life Style Extra - UK
... The company is also expected to start heavily promoting its Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) service, which enables customers to speak to each other over ...
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Hard-line in, VoIP line out: one phone
Atomic - Australia
We're looking at upgrading to ADSL2 bundled with iiNet's Phone Advantage and VoIP package. But we'd only like to use one of our phones. ...

Demystifying VoIP
The Daily Star - Dhaka,Bangladesh
Voice over Internet Protocol or VoIP is the name given to the technology that enables telephone calls over a computer network using Internet Protocol (IP). ...

Cawa - Paris,France
... tecnologia dentro das organizações. Todas as palestras estão sendo elaboradas por especialistas em sistemas de redes IP e VoIP.

TDKOM planeja oferecer VoIP a usuário final
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... corporativos). VoIP também vem sendo seu foco. ... clientes. Agora, a estratégia é estender o serviço VoIP a usuários residenciais. ...

Telium anuncia convergência com Web2Go
Portal Agrosoft - Juiz de Fora,MG,Brazil
A partir deste ponto concentrador, será possível, por exemplo, tirar dúvidas sobre telefonia VoIP e links dedicados, contratar um plano de hospedagem de ...


AT&T Lowers Price of AT&T CallVantage VoIP Service
TMCnet (press release) - USA
AT&T announced this week that it lowered the monthly rate for its AT&T (News - Alert) CallVantage VoIP-based calling service. The ...

Batelco extends VoIP service to 200 destinations
Trade Arabia - Manama,Bahrain
... The 123 Calling Cards which utilise VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, which channels calls via the internet, are available for calls made from ...

Soleo Joins VoIP Directory Services Signaling Forum as Charter ...
TMCnet (press release) - USA
The simple fact is that the question is no longer if service providers will transition their PSTN technology to VoIP. Rather, the ...

Skype releases toolbar for popular Windows Applications
TechWhack - New Delhi,Delhi,India
EBay owned VoIP software giants Skype has announced the launch of three new toolbars for Web, email, and desktop applications. This ...
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Hello? Hello? Survey says VoIP Call Quality Down
VoIP News - San Francisco,CA,USA
Nearly 20 percent of VoIP test callers experienced unacceptable call quality over the last 18 months, according to a new survey by Brix Networks. ...
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Verso Provides VoIP Solution for Latin Americas BroadBandTech
TMCnet (press release) - USA
... has announced that Latin American broadband Internet and telephony provider BroadBandTech selected and installed the Verso MetroNet VoIP Overlay solution. ...


Cresce oferta de VoIP em redes Wi-FI
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... Também nesta semana, a xG Technology anunciou uma oferta de aprovisionamento para que internet service providers (ISPs) ofereçam serviços de VoIP sem fio ...

Fusion conquista 100 mil usuários de VoIP em menos de um mês
B2B Magazine - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
A Fusion Telecommunications International, empresa multinacional provedora de serviços VoIP, anunciou que em menos de um mês registrou mais de 100 mil ...
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Tevês por assinatura faturam 20% mais e elevam em 11% a base de ...
DCI - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... o que motivou esse crescimento foi o aumento da venda de computadores domésticos ea oferta, por parte das operadoras, de serviços convergentes, como VoIP.
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Skype buys VOIP technology companies
PC-Welt - München,Germany
... staff, it said. They will help design and develop future versions of Skype's VOIP (voice over IP) product. Skype described Sonorit ...
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VoIP call quality trends called into question
Computer Business Review - UK
A new study by monitoring tool vendor Brix Networks Inc claims that the quality of VoIP calls has significantly deteriorated during the past 18 months. ...
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Encryption guru returns with VOIP software
PC-Welt - München,Germany
... The new project is an encryption program to secure voice-over-IP (VOIP) traffic from being snooped on, especially across broadband links. ...
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Taiwan embracing VoIP in mobile initiative
PC-Welt - München,Germany
Part of a plan by the Taiwanese government to back mobile Internet and telecommunications on the island is to promote VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) as a
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Prepaid mobile VOIP reaching Australia
PC-Welt - München,Germany
Prepaid mobile VOIP is heading to Australia within the next six months, courtesy of US-based Mint Telecom. Prepaid mobile VOIP is ...
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ViTA Forum set up to certify VoIP products
Taipei Journal - Taipei,Taiwan
Playing on the Latin word vita, meaning "life," and an abbreviation of "VoIP Taiwan," the ViTA Forum hopes its logo will become globally recognized and thus ...
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Thieves use VOIP for new phishing attack
PC-Welt - München,Germany
Taking advantage of the low cost of VOIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology, thieves have now begun luring victims to fake automated call centers via a ...

BT wants a million VoIP users within a year
Inquirer - Harrow,Middlesex,UK
According to a report in The Times, the telecoms behemoth said that one in 10 of its voice customers could be VoIP users inside two years. ...
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Yahoo buys VOIP service company Dialpad
PC-Welt - München,Germany
Yahoo Inc. has bought VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) service provider Dialpad Communications Inc. to use its technology in ...
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Nokia tests VoIP calls for mobile phone users
ElectronicsWeekly.com - UK
... through WLAN Internet networks. Which opens up the use of lower cost voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) services. The pilot project ...
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Cambridge start-up making VoIP less tecchie
Business Weekly - UK
... Cammrivox, which raised £900k in an angel round in March, has released its Flexor range of voice-over IP (VoIP) adapters, which bring cut-price calls within ...

Big brother wants a window into VoIP at any cost
Ars Technica - Boston,MA,USA
... it. And if you're a drug-dealing mobster, you might soon be experiencing it. The FBI wants the ability to tap VoIP calls. To do ...

Report: 2005 Was a Good Year for VoIP Service Revenue
VoIP News - San Francisco,CA,USA
The VoIP service market is expected to boom in Asia Pacific, Europe, and North America, Infonetics Research said. According to Infonetics ...

Local VoIP numbers, international cell calls
... The company's technology, which is in beta, essentially reroutes international and long-distance calls through a VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) connection ...

KPN's VoIP service experiences outage
Telecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands
Some 127,000 users of KPN's InternetPlusBellen VoIP service could not use the service for more than three hours on Wednesday 26 July, reports Dutch daily De ...

The police want to listen to your VoIP calls
PC Advisor - London,UK
According to today’s Guardian, police and intelligence agencies are to ask the government for the power to listen to and identify VoIP (voice over internet ...
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Asterisk's Business VOIP Stars as Your Virtual Assistant
Channel Insider - New York,NY,USA
... This business-oriented VOIP (voice-over-IP) server uses a Web interface to put you in control of your phone system's features and capabilities. ...
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VoIP Spikes Comcast's Q2 Numbers
VoIP Magazine (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
... same quarter of 2006. Comcast Digital Voice (CDV) launched in June 2005. (See Comcast Acquires 202,000 VoIP Customers Since June.).

Scammers take aim at Gmail, VoIP and MySpace
VNUNet.com - UK
MySpace, Gmail and VoIP services such as Skype are the top new targets for security attacks, according to a report out today. Web ...
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VoIP Hacking Pitfalls And Prevention
Security Pronews - Lexington,KY,USA
VoIP hacking is a new term that strikes fear into the hearts of many residential and corporate users thinking about upgrading from their existing traditional ...

New Report Raps VoIP Call Quality
CIO Today - Woodland Hills,CA,USA
... Hedayat, who has worked on VoIP technology for years, said he expected at least a 90 percent or higher level of "acceptable" service. ...
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Net Serviços divulga resultados do segundo trimestre
ti inside - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... disponível. No balanço do primeiro trimestre registrou-se apenas a venda de 21 mil clientes deo VoIP no primeiro mês de serviço. ...

Skype aposta em telefones Wi-Fi com tecnologia VoIP
TeK.sapo - Lisboa,Portugal
A empresa especialista em comunicações de VoIP iniciou a venda de telefones Wi-Fi das fabricantes Belkin, EdgeCore, Netgear e SMC, através do seu site. ...

Divicom moderniza e duplica capacidade de atendimento com ...
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
A Divicom Administradora de Saúde é a mais nova usuária da tecnologia de VoIP. A empresa contratou uma plataforma junto à Alcatel ...

Novo tipo de fraude emprega voz sobre IP para enganar internautas
Diário do Grande ABC - Santo André,SP,Brazil
... Diferente do phishing, o chamado vishing baseia-se na telefonia VoIP (do inglês, voz sobre o protocolo IP). Os criminosos aproveitam ...
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Qualidade das chamadas VoIP baixa significativamente
TeK.sapo - Lisboa,Portugal
... sobre IP, analisou as informações que recolheu do site TestYourVoip.com, através do qual os consumidores podem medir a qualidade dos seus serviços VoIP. ...
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PeerMe Lança Ligações Globais de VoIP Por Comunicações ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
(www.peerme.com), inovadora líder mundial em VoIP (Voz Sobre Protocolo de Internet) por comunicações móveis, anunciou o fim das tarifas por minuto para ...

Telium anuncia convergência com Web2Go
B2B Magazine - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Com a novidade será possível, por exemplo, tirar dúvidas sobre telefonia VoIP e links dedicados, contratar um plano de hospedagem de sites e outro de acesso ...

Telexpo VoIP será realizada em agosto
Último Segundo - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
O "Telexpo VoIP - Exposição e Congresso de Voz sobre IP e Telefonia IP" - já tem data marcada: será realizado nos dias 23 e 24 de agosto, no Mercure Grand ...

Receitas com VoIP dobram em todo o mundo
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
América do Norte, Europa e Ásia/Pacífico devem gastar cerca de 120 bilhões de dólares em serviços VoIP entre 2005 e 2009, segundo a Infonetics Research. ...

Vono busca parceiros para ampliar presença no SMB
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
Uma série de produtos acaba de ser lançada eo objetivo, confirma o vice-presidente da Vono, Rodrigo Dienstmann, em entrevista ao Canal VoIP do Convergência ...

Assistência telefónica pode ser gratuita
Diário de Notícias - Lisboa - Portugal
... Assente na tecnologia de voz sobre Internet (VoIP), o Webdialer permite que o cliente clique num botão disponibilizado no site que acciona a chamada ...

Linksys fecha acordo com Star
Info Canal - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... Brasil. Cada franqueado poderá escolher as linhas de produtos - VoIP, rede, roteadores e switches - com as quais deseja trabalhar. ...

Novo golpe na web para roubar dados bancários
Corumbá On Line - Corumbá,MS,Brazil
... Diferente do phishing, o chamado vishing se baseia na telefonia VoIP ("voice over Internet Protocol", ou voz sobre IP, tecnologia em que a voz trafega não ...
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Home Office Users Lead Consumer VoIP Charge: Study
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
Income-generating or corporate-provided home offices are two to three times more likely to sign up for VoIP in the next 12 months than is the average household ...
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Regional Wholesale Transport Providers Deploy MetaSwitch for Core ...
Converge Network Digest - USA
Wholesale transport providers MAIN and IRIS Networks are deploying MetaSwitch's softswitches in their fiber-optic networks. The ...
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Telchemy Awarded Two New Patents in VoIP & IPTV Performance ...
ag-IP-news Agency - Amman,Jordan
... in a Wednesday press release that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has awarded the company two additional patents for their VoIP and IPTV ...

Hutch prepares for VoIP
Australian IT - Australia
... "We think there is a very exciting opportunity for us that space," he said. VoIP was simply another means to offer subscribers voice services, Mr Russell said. ...
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VoIP Systems Will (Ultimately) Enable Better Security
Von Magazine - USA
As more vendors add recording capabilities to their VoIP systems, the next steps will be voice print matching and a speech-to-text module for large-scale data ...
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Quality of VoIP services dipped by about 5 percent in last 18 ...
Earthtimes.org - USA
The quality of VoIP services was never much competition for the traditional telephony systems. However even this quality seems to ...
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Telchemy Awarded Two New Patents in VoIP and IPTV Performance ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
... management technology, today announced the United States Patent and Trademark Office has awarded the Company two additional patents for their VoIP and IPTV ...

Getting Branch Office VoIP Deployments Right
IT Management - Darien,CT,USA
... headquarters. Johnson recommends rolling out tools that give you instant and constant visibility into how the VoIP network is performing. ...

Trinity Convergence VoIP Platform Leverages Rich Media & Advanced ...
Market Wire (press release) - USA
... "VoIP ... OEMs can leverage the VeriCall Edge voice + video over IP software platform running on the i.MX31 to design VoIP services into new and existing devices.

Telchemy Awarded Patents in VoIP, IPTV
New Telephony - Phoenix,AZ,USA
... management technology provider, today announced the US Patent and Trademark Office has awarded the company two additional patents for its VoIP and IPTV ...


Whaleback: VoIP Needn't Be out of SMB Reach
Enterprise IT Planet - Darien,CT,USA
Despite its benefits, a VoIP deployment is simply not in the cards for some smaller enterprises. It seems that as long as a reliable ...

VoIP Inc. to relocate headquarters to Orlando
Orlando Business Journal - Orlando,FL,USA
VoIP Inc. ... Earlier this year, the company announced that it would save $420,000 a year with the sale of its DTNet Technologies subsidiary. VoIP Inc. ...

Ubiquity to lead VoIP developer conference
IT Wales - Swansea,Wales,UK
Cardiff-based Ubiquity is to team up with TMC to deliver seminars at the 3rd Annual VoIP Developer Conference. The event, which ...

Skype enhances Mac free VoiP software
HEXUS.Lifestyle - Aylesbury,Bucks,UK
Skype has introduced a new Mac OS X version of its free voice-over-internet software, making it available in nine languages and adding, it says, a bunch of ...

Quality of VoIP calls dropping; will Net neutrality make the ...
Ars Technica - Boston,MA,USA
Has VoIP quality been getting worse? Yes. That's the conclusion arrived at by Brix Networks, and it has real implications for the ...
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Perspective: VoIP providers face headaches galore
CNET News.com - San Francisco,CA,USA
Lawyers Frederick M. Joyce and Christine McLaughlin say VoIP service providers have very little time to get up to speed with new FCC regulations. ...

Message Technologies, Inc. Adds VoIP Option for Speech Automation ...
PrimeZone (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA
... an industry-leading provider of speech automation and call center-outsourcing services, today announces that it has added cost-effective VoIP capability for ...

Illegal VoIP business hits BTTB earning
The Daily Star - Dhaka,Bangladesh
... is booming, our business growth should have doubled in last five years, but instead our income is coming down every year due to illegal VoIP business," said a ...

visionGATEWAY Announce That GoIP International to Deliver Private ...
Market Wire (press release) - USA
... is pleased to announce in conjunction with Centile, its wholly owned subsidiary and the leading global Application Software vendor for VoIP, fixed-mobile and ...

Call VoIP Industry What It Is: Nonprofit
TheStreet.com (subscription) - New York,NY,USA
Some businesses aren't businesses. That's how I am starting to feel about the voice-over-Internet-protocol (VoIP) business. Last ...

Ubiquity Software Selected by TMC to Expand VoIP Developer ...
Market Wire (press release) - USA
... server, today announced that the company has teamed with TMC to develop and deliver advanced content as part of the 3rd Annual VoIP Developer Conference. ...

BandTel Solves Throughput and Redundancy Problems on SIP-Based ...
PrimeZone (press release) - Los Angeles,CA,USA
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., July 24, 2006 (PRIMEZONE) -- BandTel(tm), a leading global provider of next-generation VoIP termination to the PSTN for high volume ...

Motorola Intros Windows VoIP Handset
Audio Video Producer (press release) - Newport Beach,CA,USA
(TWICE) _ New York Motorola joined the growing ranks of cordless phone manufacturers to court PC VoIP users with the release of its T31 series for use with ...

VoIP over the Internet - poor and getting worse
iTWire - Australia
... gadget) and that displays a "weather map" on the Google desktop indicating the Internet's current ability to support real-time services, such as VoIP and IPTV. ...
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FASTSIGNS International Inc. Deploys Enterprise VoIP to Enhance ...
Market Wire (press release) - USA
(OTCBB: CNWT), the leading provider of advanced IP phone platforms and application engines in the Enterprise VoIP Telephony environment, announced today that ...

US VoIP Users at 2.9 Million
iMedia Connection - Dana Point,CA,USA
Telephia has released a study that found households subscribing to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in the United States increased from 2.2 million in Q1 ...

Telephony World (press release) - USA
... in Israel, announced that it has developed, built and successfully tested a patent-pending “cellular-like” Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) mobile system ...

Improv's Jazz cores target audio, video, VoIP
Eetasia.com (subscription) - USA
The cores come in three families: Jazz DSP for general-purpose DSP processing, Jazz Media for multimedia processing, and Jazz Voice for VoIP. ...

More Home Users Call on VoIP Phones
PC World - USA
Households subscribing to pure-play subscription VoIP services--meaning those who are either replacing or complementing existing traditional landline service ...

300 Live TV Channels, Live Chat and Unlimited VoIP Calls Now ...
Market Wire (press release) - USA
... feeds on dozens of topics, live chat with other members while watching the shows and, from many locations, unlimited local and long-distance VoIP phone calls ...

VoIPowering Your Office with Asterisk: SOHO VoIP, Part 2
Enterprise VoIP Planet - Darien,Connecticut,USA
Last week we learned how to connect an Asterisk server to legacy phones and phone service. Today we're going to set up a connection ...


Fusion conquista 100 mil usuários de VoIP em menos de um mês
ti inside - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
A Fusion Telecommunications International, multinacional provedora de serviços VoIP, anunciou que em menos de um mês registrou mais de 100 mil assinaturas ...

Microsoft e Nortel formam aliança estratégica
ti inside - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... de soluções unificadas que vão de aplicações como e-mail, mensagens instantâneas e vídeos ao processamento de voz sobre IP (VoIP) e integração com ...
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Comparing Cable and Broadband Telephony
Digital Home - Canada
... Broadband telephony (also known as VoIP) offerings are offered by over 40 companies in Canada, however, the most well known offerings are from Vonage, Primus ...
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VoIP is Connecting with More and More US Households
VoIP News - San Francisco,CA,USA
Report shows subscriptions to pure-play VoIP are up, but there is still room for improvement in network quality and customer care. ...
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Mr Livingston on the line
The Observer - UK
... telephony to 6,000 Wi-fi hotspots across the country, where customers can use their laptops or get free mobile calls over the internet, or use VoIP (its full ...

Only 60% VoIP Providers In TIO Scheme
VoIP News Australia - Brisbane,Australia
... Clarity's founder and CEO, Shara Evans, said a recent survey carried out by her research company revealed that a shocking 60.4 percent of VoIP providers are ...
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Nokia 770 gains free VoIP calls to landlines, cellphones
Linux News - USA
Unlike a similar announcement from VoIP marketshare leader Skype, which will offer free call-out through 2007, SIPphone's free call deal has no expiration date ...
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Chariot's VoIP goes ahead
Australian IT - Australia
Chariot managing director Robert Horlin-Smith confirmed that the internet provider has chosen a VoIP provider outside of the contested agreement with Transcom ...
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Altech signs VoIP deal with Aastra
CRN Australia - Australia
... South America and Asia. Aastra’s VoIP phones add to Altech's existing telephony range from vendors Repotec, Sedna and Siemens.

Gizmo to give users free VoIP calls... sort of
Ars Technica - Boston,MA,USA
The Gizmo Project, a multi-platform VoIP service developed by SIPphone, now claims that users can make outgoing calls to landlines and mobile phones for free. ...
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Hello? Can you hear me now? VoIP continues to grow
Central Valley Business Times - Stockton,CA,USA
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone service continues to gain subscribers in the home telephone market, according to Telephia Inc., a San Francisco ...
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Home VoIP Growing; Vonage Leading Pack
TechWeb - USA
Home VoIP subscribers continue to adopt Internet phoning at a rapid rate, growing from 2.2 million households in the first quarter to 2.9 million in the second ...

AT&T targets VoIP, wireless services
NetworkWorld.com - Southborough,MA,USA
AT&T's development road map for the next year includes new and enhanced offerings around VoIP, wireless, security and Web hosting, company officials said last ...

Study: VoIP Continues to Grow
Multichannel News (subscription) - New York,NY,USA
The report found that households subscribing to pure-play subscription VoIP services increased from 2.2 million in the first quarter of this year to 2.9 ...

VoIP Providers Enter Uncharted Waters With Universal Service ...
New Telephony - Phoenix,AZ,USA
... Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) recent decision to impose Universal Service Fund (USF) reporting and payment obligations on VoIP service providers ...

Chariot launches VoIP service, sans Transcom
iTWire - Australia
Chariot has announced plans to launch a VoIP service independent of its former partner, Transcom International with which it is locked in legal conflict. ...
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Analysis: SIPphone's Free VoIP Calling Plan
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
SIPphone rattled the VoIP industry today, announcing free calling to PSTN and mobile phones for users of it's VoIP-IM service, Gizmo Project. ...
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Skype launches Wi-Fi VoIP mobiles
VNUNet.com - UK
Skype has announced the availability of four Wi-Fi mobile handsets for making free calls using VoIP technology. The four handsets ...
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Survey: Home VoIP use grows in United States
NetworkWorld.com - Southborough,MA,USA
VoIP use continues to gain subscribers in the home telephone service market, according to San Francisco-based Telephia, a provider of performance measurement ...

Wireless VoIP attracts attention
NetworkWorld.com - Southborough,MA,USA
Wireless VoIP is getting a push this week from Skype, which is introducing a handset that can link callers to the Skype service via Wi-Fi connections. ...

Lifeline to take more calls with VoIP
ZDNet.com.au - Australia
... service Lifeline expects to be able to answer the phone more often as a result of installing a new Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephony system. ...
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Lucent inaugura laboratório de segurança para redes
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... na área de segurança da informação a empresa quer fomentar o desenvolvimento de soluções que garantam a segurança das redes backbone, VoIP e IPTV. ...
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Contact center migra para Voz sobre Internet
DCI - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... Atenta a esta tendência, a japonesa NEC prevê para este ano um crescimento em torno de 70% no segmento de VoIP e Telefonia IP em relação a 2005, atingindo ...

Celulares Wi-Fi devem gerar US$ 3,7 bi até 2009
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... celulares com Wi-Fi cresceu 116% entre 2004 e 2005 totalizando 125,5 milhões de dólares, sendo que 58% das receitas são provenientes de aparelhos VoIP/Wi-Fi ...

Trellis prevê vender 30 mil linhas VoIP em 2006
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
A Trellis já comemora a venda de 14,5 mil linhas da solução Hiper VoIP, lançada em julho do ano passado. Cássio Scapina, diretor ...
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Gizmo VOIP: Now with Skype-Eating, Booty-Free International ...
Gizmodo.com - Budapest,Hungary
... free. Now, Gizmo VOIP is giving them the "Nyah Nyah" by giving away international phone calls to real numbers in 60+ countries. ...

Gizmo Project makes all VoIP to landline calls free. Forever.
engadget - Santa Monica,CA,USA
... of their business plan which pretty much totally gives away the shop, but who's really going to be reeling here is the rest of the VoIP telephony industry ...

NICE Unveils Powerful New Capabilities For Compliance, Analytics ...
IT Backbones (press release) - Emborough,Somerset,UK
today new capabilities including state-of-the-art speech analytics, breakthrough VoIP technologies, and a regulatory compliance and risk management suite. ...

Cable firms voice support for existing CRTC VoIP regulations
ITBusiness.ca - Canada
... filed a joint submission with the CRTC reinforcing their support for the May 2005 CRTC decision to regulate VoIP services. “By ...

Altech signs VoIP deal with Aastra
CRN Australia - Australia
... presence in South America and Asia. Aastra’s VoIP phones add to Altech's existing telephony range from vendors Repotec and Sedna.

iVox demystifies VoIP
iT News - Australia
VoIP vendor, iVox Communications has released a white paper detailing the ins and outs of VoIP. The document, ‘Everything you ...
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Chariot VoIP service close
Advertiser Adelaide - Adelaide,South Australia,Australia
... service next month. VoIP enables low-cost phone calls over the internet and could be priced from as little as $10 a month. It would ...
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Skype Unveils WiFi VoIP Phones
CRM Buyer - USA
Skype said Thursday that its WiFi phones for VoIP calling will be available in the third quarter. The devices will allow Skype users ...

Gizmo Project Offer Free VoIP Calls to Landline and Mobile Phones ...
Geekzone - New Zealand
SIPphone, Inc., developers of the free Gizmo Project Internet calling software, today announced their "All Calls Free" program. ...
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Nortel e Microsoft anunciam aliança para integração e ...
Último Segundo - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... Na época, a empresa explicou que o objetivo é de que, em 2007, o Windows já venha acoplado de uma solução para telefonia via web (VoIP). ...
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Trellis e Plantec Sistemas oferecem consultoria de negócios em ...
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
Para aumentar as vendas da solução hIPer VoIP, a Trellis, especializada em tecnologia de ponta para comunicação de dados e voz, fechou uma parceria com a ...

Devel IT já tem oito operadoras VoIP como clientes
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... mais uma desenvolvedora que aproveita a onda do IP para criar novos produtos, direcionados, em especial,para as pequenas e médias prestadoras de serviços VoIP ...

TI movimentou R$ 21 bi no primeiro semestre do ano
B2B Magazine - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... de diversos projetos em re-implementação de sistemas de gestão, projetos de sistemas analíticos e envolvendo tecnologias menos maduras, como VoIP e RFID. ...
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Portal Agrosoft - Juiz de Fora,MG,Brazil
... tendência. Por meio do Teclan Call Center IPack, a central de atendimento opera com a tecnologia VoIP, mesmo em modelos híbridos. ...
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Google's pending move into VoIP, internet access
Blogging Stocks - USA
... Google may be laying the groundwork here for an expansion into the voice communication business (VoIP) along with the data pipe business to many businesses and ...

Microsoft joins with Nortel to sell businesses on VoIP phone ...
USA Today - USA
... Microsoft and Nortel aim to get companies to replace their old land-line phones with voice over Internet protocol (VoIP) systems — and do it fast, Ballmer ...

VoIP systems increase network support burdens
Techworld.com - London,UK
... "VoIP is not a slam-dunk, and there are unexpected support issues," said John Wade, CIO at Saint Luke's Health System in Kansas City. ...

The Market for Broadband VoIP Solutions has seen Explosive Growth ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
... and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/c39696) has announced the addition of In-Sights: The Wide Ranging Nature of Business VoIP Adoption to ...

Greater China VoIP Product Exports Projected to Top 22 Million ...
Press World (press release) - Russia
Greater China manufacturers are expected to produce 29 million VoIP products in 2006. Exports are estimated to hit 22.66 million ...

Free VoIP Guide For Resellers
SmartOffice - Sydney,Australia
Carrier grade VoIP wholesaler, iVox, has launched a free guide for resellers targeting SME customers to help resellers educate end users considering the switch ...

Nortel deal cements Microsoft links to VoIP
Seattle Times - United States
Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said the alliance, announced Monday, puts his company "in the business of VoIP [voice over Internet protocol] quite ...
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xG Technology announces mobile VoIP program
MRT (subscription) - Chicago,IL,USA
... based wireless vendor xG Technology yesterday announced the launch of a deployment program for its xMAX mobile wireless voice-over-IP (VoIP) service, with the ...

VoIP new target for financial fraudsters
Sydney Morning Herald - Sydney,New South Wales,Australia
... Voice-over-IP (VoIP) networks are most commonly employed by the scammers because phone numbers can be selected to display any regional code, and then routed to ...
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Briefly: Microsoft and Nortel to sell VOIP software
International Herald Tribune - France
... American maker of phone equipment, is seeking to catch up to Cisco in the market for corporate phone systems based on voice over Internet protocols, or VOIP. ...

VoIP comes to the Nokia 770
Mobile Tracker - Tampa,FL,USA
... Google Talk is also available for the 770, but its VoIP features are limited to other Google Talk users and not the public telephone system. ...

New VoIP Based Phishing Scam
Government Technology - Folsom,CA,USA
... discussion groups that have been buzzing with talk about a new technique called "vishing." This new method exploits the low cost of VoIP and combines it with ...

Microsoft does VOIP
GCN.com - Washington,DC,USA
... Zeus Kerravala, an analyst with the Yankee Group, told CNET.com that Cisco better start getting more customers into VOIP “before Microsoft comes out with ...

XO Tops 3.8 Billion VoIP Minutes in 2Q06
Von Magazine - USA
XO Communications (www.xo.com) reports it carried 3.89 billion minutes of VoIP traffic on its network in the second quarter of 2006. ...

Asterisk VoIP flaw patched
Asterisk, the open source Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) project, released patches for a security hole in its virtual private branch exchange (PBX ...
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xG Initiates Mobile VoIP Deployment Program
Wireless Week - USA
By Susan Rush. xG Technology unveiled a domestic dealer program designed to push the launch of its xMax mobile VoIP service across the United States. ...
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VoIP: Quality is still a big concern
CNET News.com - San Francisco,CA,USA
... In 2005, the consumer market for voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP, calling grew by more than 250 percent, with over 3 million people subscribing to a VoIP ...
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CommuniGate Demonstrates SIP Farm for 10M VoIP Subscribers
Von Magazine - USA
... www.communigate.com) says it has demonstrated their All-Active Dynamic Cluster SIP Farm on HP hardware can be scaled up to support 10 million VoIP subscribers. ...
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BroadSoft software to support VoIP services in New England
Washington Business Journal - Washington,DC,USA
Gaithersburg-based BroadSoft is providing its software for voice over Internet protocol (VoIP), to Lexington, Mass.-based DSCI, enabling the communications ...
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PTM investe100 M€ na TV alta definição e voz sobre Internet
Diário Digital - Lisboa,Portugal
... a investir 100 milhões de euros na expansão e na preparação da rede da TV Cabo para a televisão de alta definição (HDTV) e na voz sobre Internet (VoIP). ...
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Eletropaulo Telecom quer operadora VoIP como cliente
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
"Com a nova tecnologia temos a oportunidade de oferecer serviços de telecomunicações às novas operadoras de VoIP do mercado brasileiro, isso porque o Metro ...
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A TV Cabo Promete Net a 100 Megas
Bites e bytes - Lisboa,Lisboa,Portugal
... Para finalizar nada como e já para Setembro deste ano a possibilidade de ter VoIP em casa sem necessitar de computador, mas só falta saber quais os VoIP ...
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Five Things You Must Know About VoIP
Intelligent Enterprise - San Mateo,CA,USA
VoIP differs from most emerging technology, however, in two ways: how quickly it's being adopted and how much is at stake to get it right. ...

Kansas City Star - MO,USA
Snapshot: The nation’s best-known Internet phone company has developed a keychain-size device that makes Voice over Internet Protocol phone service truly ...

New VOIP-Based Phishing Scam Popping Up
CIO India - Bangalore,Karnataka,India
... In the new scam, which Secure Computing calls "vishing," identity thieves ask potential victims to call a phone number attached to a VOIP account, easily ...
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Where to find the biggest VoiP savings
Times Online - UK
INCREASING competition in the internet phone market is good news for consumers because it should help to drive down prices even further. ...

Is There Such A Thing As Free VoIP Service?
WebProNews - Lexington,KY,USA
When VoIP was first introduced over the Internet, most of the programs available offered free VoIP services. Ah, the good old days. ...
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VoIP demand fuels My Net Fone
CRN Australia - Australia
My Net Fone has announced that it has received greater than expected demand for its VoIP services since listing on the ASX in May. ...

ISS Finds Bugs in Asterisk VoIP Software
CIO - Framingham,MA,USA
Users of the open-source Asterisk VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol) product are advised to upgrade their software, following the discovery of two ...
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CommuniGate Tests Multi-Million Subscriber VoIP System
Telecommunications Magazine - Norwood,MA,USA
While VoIP as a mainstream service is just getting started, CommuniGate Systems has taken pains to demonstrate performance and scalability in a 10-million VoIP ...
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New Entrants Spur VoIP Price Wars
Twice (subscription) - Newton,MA,USA
New York— While it's common in the consumer electronics industry to bemoan price erosion, even the most aggressive importers can't touch VoIP providers. ...

A Clone of Skype VoIP from China?
Techtree.com - Mumbai,India
According to a Blog posting, a Chinese firm has succeeded in engineering a clone of the popular Skype VoIP (Voice-over-IP) client. ...
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Menor preço da telefonia fixa não impacta negócios VoIP, diz ...
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
Para ele, VoIP é um serviço que continuará crescendo entre usuários da internet, além de se estender para empresas que buscam a diminuição de custos com ...
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TV Cabo quer aumentar banda larga para 100Mb em 2 anos
Portugal Diário - Lisboa,Portugal
... A partir de Setembro, a TV Cabo vai ainda disponibilizar o triple play onde vai introduzir voz sobre IP (VOIP). «A TV Cabo vai ...
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Voice Global transforma provedores em operadoras VoIP
Baguete (liberação de imprensa) - Porto Alegre,RS,Brazil
Segundo o presidente da empresa, Sergio Ribeiro, a solução permite a transformação de qualquer provedor de Internet em operadora VoIP dentro de 72 horas. ...
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TVA faz promoção casada de TV, banda larga e VoIP
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... uma operadora triple play do País oferecendo ao mercado serviços diversificados de TV por assinatura (TVA), Internet banda larga (Ajato) e VoIP (TVA Voz ...
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Partner report - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... blended. Via Teclan Call Center IPack, central de atendimento opera com tecnologia VoIP, mesmo em modelos híbridos. Tecnologia ...
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TV Cabo arranca com TV de Alta Definição no primeiro semestre de ...
Exame Informática Online - Lisboa,Lisboa,Portugal
Net a 100Mbps, VoIP sem computador e TV de Alta Definição durante o primeiro semestre de 2007. São estas as três grandes novidades ...
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VoIP de bolso: agora dá para usar telefone via web em qualquer PC ...
Administradores - Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brazil
Chamada de VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), a tecnologia permite que usuários chamem outros que estejam conectados e, com a ajuda de um microfone ...

Skype's been cracked?
engadget - Santa Monica,CA,USA
Paglee, who cofounded the VoIP startup Vozin Communications, claims that the Chinese friend he spoke with is part of a team that has successfully reverse ...
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Microsoft’s communications plunge stirs up VoIP
Computerworld New Zealand - Auckland,New Zealand
By John Fontana and Phil Hochmuth, Framingham | Monday, 17 July, 2006. Microsoft’s head-first rush to claim a spot in the IP telephony ...

News - VoIP for Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, Ultimate Ears Earphones ...
Tablet PC Reviews - USA
Nokia 770 Internet Tablet users can now enjoy VoIP functionality courtesy of The Gizmo Project. The software by Gizmo even allows ...
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Quintum Tenor Intelligent VoIP Switches
VoIP Magazine (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
Quintum has expanded on the limited capabilities of standard VoIP gateways by introducing the concept of an intelligent VoIP Switch with the Tenor product line ...

'Image Spam' and VoIP Scam Attacks on Rise
TechNewsWorld - Sherman Oaks,CA,USA
In these VoIP phishing attacks, the phone system identifies itself to the target as the financial institution and prompts them to enter their account number ...

Kintanar: Gov’t must put its foot down on VoIP
Manila Bulletin - Philippines
... Cebu Representative Simeon Kintanar said it’s now high time for the government to chart a clear direction for the widespread implementation of VoIP, or Voice ...


Will VoIP Join the Telco Counterrevolution?
VoIP News - San Francisco,CA,USA
As telecom operators add their own VoIP services, they may block competitors' VoIP to protect their own. Voice over IP is clearly a revolutionary technology. ...

Microsoft and Yahoo plan VoIP union
Computer Business Review - UK
... The companies now plan to enable VoIP interoperability between their platforms, and are also considering a mutual video-conferencing deal. ...

Telewest signs VoIP deal with Ericsson
VNUNet.com - UK
... largest cable operator and a thriving broadband provider, has signed a five-year deal with Ericsson to migrate its existing voice network to one based on VoIP. ...

Recording Corporate VoIP
Von Magazine - USA
Many companies are looking at adding recording capabilities to their IP voice systems, with Witness Systems (www.witness.com) reporting it has sold over a ...

Nokia 770 tablet gains commercial VoIP softphone
Linux News - USA
The Gizmo Project has ported its VoIP (voice-over-IP) softphone to Nokia's 770 Internet Tablet. Gizmo's free features include calls ...

VoIP users warned over 'vishing' scams
One Stop Click - London,UK
Online phishing attacks have now evolved into VoIP scams known as 'vishing', according to a security company. This new method exploits ...
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Loral Skynet nearing VoIP partnership
BNamericas - Santiago,Chile
US satellite communications company Loral Skynet expects to announce shortly a partnership with a VoIP platform provider, creating a new VoIP offering in Latin ...

VoIP user cracks Skype protocol
VNUNet.com - UK
A Chinese company claims to have reverse-engineered the Skype protocol, allowing it to place calls over Skype's VoIP network. According ...
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VoIP goes portable with WebMessenger Mobile for Skype
Mobilemag.com - USA
But what about when you want to make that VoIP call while away from your home PC? Fret not, long-D lovers, because WebMessenger ...

KPN provides VoIP to Telefonia Bonairiano
United Press International - USA
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, July 14 (UPI) -- KPN will provide Internet networking for Telefonia Bonairiano, a carrier on the island of Bonaire of Netherlands ...


Cimcorp reestrutura e aposta em VoIP e RFID
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
A empresa aposta na integração das tecnologias tradicionais, como gestão de storage e de back up, com às novas que despontam, especialmente, VoIP e RFID. ...

Rolls-Royce fecha megacongratato com a Nortel por VoIP
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... Royce, fornecedora de serviços e sistemas de energia, transformará a rede de telefonia em uma única solução avançada de serviços de voz sobre IP (VoIP). ...
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TVA lança oferta diferenciada em julho
Consumidor Moderno - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... a cidade de São Paulo, uma oferta diferenciada envolvendo o pacote de produtos TV por assinatura (TVA Digital) + Internet banda larga (Ajato) + VoIP (TVA Voz ...
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D-Link's Wi-Fi VoIP phone could be a winner
I kind of like the idea of this new flip-style Wi-Fi VoIP phone from D-Link. ... D-Link's website will soon provide a list of compatible VoIP services. ...

TeleCommunication Systems In Agreement With ConneXon For Reselling ...
Trading Markets - Los Angeles,CA,USA
The Annapolis, Maryland based company said that under the terms of the agreement ConneXon will launch 911Enable, a new service based on the TCS VoIP E9-1-1 ...
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Nigeria: NIGCOMSAT-1, Accelon, Others for Africa VOIP Forum
AllAfrica.com - Washington,USA
The third African Voice Over Internet Protoco (VOIP) Forum set to hold in Lagos is gathering momentum as major industry players in the country sign up for the ...

Why isn't VoIP more aggressively marketed to hip-hop fans?
... So isn't the hip-hop crowd a promising new marketing opportunity for PC-based and especially,mobile VoIP? Why aren't the VoIP handset ...

Rolls-Royce opts for $20m VoIP network
Techworld.com - London,UK
... Gibson said that the deal includes Nortel taking over the management of existing TDM equipment, and that Rolls-Royce divisions will be migrated to VoIP in the ...
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VoIP services not ready to take over just yet says Which?
Mobile Digest - London,England,UK
... With mobile phone services entering the broadband market, VoIP looks set to be the choice of the future.". What do you think of your VoIP service? ...
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TerraSip Provides Quick Return on Investment for VoIP Phones in Wi ...
Broadband Wireless Exchange (press release) - Gilbert,AZ,USA
7/14/06 - Wi-Fi VoIP Phones do not need to bother with downloads, software installation, complicated VoIP gateways or conventional telephone systems. ...

VoIP looks set to be the choice of the future, according to Which?
VNUNet.com - UK
The surging uptake of VoIP technology may mean the end of traditional landline and mobile services, according to consumer body Which?. ...
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Voip, enfim, chegará ao governo
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... entrada em operação da Infovia Brasilia, os ministérios poderão se valer desta rede para trocar suas velhas centrais telefônicas para os serviços de Voip ...

Juniper anuncia plataforma IDP e software de gerenciamento de ...
ti inside - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Segundo a fabricante, o novo IDP, versão 4.0, oferece controle sobre as aplicações corporativas, como comunicação via voz sobre IP (VoIP), rede local (LAN ...
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Telewest contrata rede por meio de voIP
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... Reino Unido. O acordo, de cinco anos, prevê o desenvolvimento da rede de telefonia da parceira por meio da tecnologia VoIP. A fabricante ...

CMSW Telecom anuncia VoIP para acesso discado
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
Levar o serviço VoIP para quem não pode, ainda, acessar os produtos de banda larga disponíveis no país. Este é o grande projeto ...
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«VOIP» da Netcabo já contabiliza 20 mil chamadas
Fábrica de Conteúdos - Coimbra,Portugal
A campanha «VOIP» da Netcabo já contabilizou 20 mil chamadas, um sucesso que se deve, sobretudo, a uma forte aposta da empresa nos programas jovens e no ...

Novo tipo de golpe online usa VoIP
PC World - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Relacionado com phishing, o novo esquema usa números de VoIP obtidos por cartões de crédito ou serviços telefônicos financeiros falsos explica Paul Henry ...

United Arab Emirates mull allowing VoIP
United Press International - USA
... July 12 (UPI) -- Network solutions company Cisco Systems is currently in talks with the United Arab Emirates' telecom operators to launch a VoIP network in the ...
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Models pack ADSL2+, VoIP and WLAN
Global Sources - Singapore
Market uptrends in both the VoIP and broadband DSL sectors are fueling the resurgence of the VoDSL market in Taiwan. The Market ...

Cistera Networks' New SIP Presence Engine Enhances Flexibility of ...
Market Wire (press release) - USA
... 2006 -- Cistera Networks (OTCBB: CNWT), the leading provider of advanced IP phone application platforms and engines in the Enterprise VoIP Telephony environment ...

EarthLink Takes VOIP On The Road
PC Magazine - USA
... of San Francisco for the month of July manned with computers and telephones ready to demonstrate just how fast and convenient a home DSL and VoIP package can be ...

Macworld Podcast: Mac Gems, VoIP and Gamerhood
Macworld - San Francisco,CA,USA
Whether you work with multimedia, make Voice over IP calls via your Mac, or just want to get your hands on the latest games, we’ve got you covered in the ...

Cisco Details New VoIP, Router Vulnerabilities
CRN - Manhasset,NY,USA
Unified CallManager 5.0, software that handles call processing for Cisco VoIP solutions, has two flaws in its command line management interface (CLI) that ...

Patton unveils industrial VoIP equipment
Construction and Maintenance News - Minsk,Belarus
The new Patton product line for harsh- environment communications offers solutions for delivering commercial outdoor-VoIP, industrial Ethernet-in-the-first-mile ...

Skype and SanDisk Launch VoIP-Ready Memory Stick
Teleclick.ca - Victoria,BC,Canada
... has teamed up with SanDisk Corporation in a deal that will let Skype users make free calls from any computer, without needing to download the VoIP software. ...
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Faraday and ITRI Jointly Launch the Highly Competitive VoIP ...
Design and Reuse (press release) - Paris,France
... July 12, 2006 -- Faraday Technology ( TAIEX: 3035 ), a leading ASIC and Silicon IP provider, has recently developed software for VoIP applications with ICL ...

Voice and VoIP Phishing Scams On The Rise
InformationWeek - Manhasset,NY,USA
... Scott Holcomb, CEO of Holcomb Enterprises, a Mission Viejo, Calif.-based solution provider, said VoIP technology gives criminals the anonymity they need to ...
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Accelon, Starcomms, others for Africa VoIP forum
Nigerian Tribune - Ibadan,Nigeria
Preparation towards the third African VoIP Forum holding in Lagos is already gathering momentum as major industry players in the country sign up for the event. ...
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SunRocket’s International VoIP Plan is Bad News for Vonage
Teleclick.ca - Victoria,BC,Canada
VoIP telephone provider, SunRocket Inc., is planning to introduce a new international calling plan that would offer unlimited calls to landlines in 36 ...

SyncVoice Communications VoIP Solution Now Rated ``Avaya Compliant ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
COSTA MESA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 11, 2006--SyncVoice Communications, a leading provider of unified management solutions for hybrid communications ...

NewGrid Ships Mindspeed(R) Comcerto(TM) VoIP Processor in IMS ...
Business Wire (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
... is shipping Mindspeed's Comcerto voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) processor in its NGTG IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) gateway for wireline VoIP and W-CDMA ...

Vonage goes on VoIP patent shopping spree
VNUNet.com - UK
Vonage Holdings announced yesterday that it has acquired three "key VoIP" patents from Digital Packet Licensing. The three US patents ...
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Rolls-Royce drives ahead with VoIP
VNUNet.com - UK
Rolls-Royce has signed a seven-year contract worth US$20m (£11m) to transform its phone network into a single network providing voice over IP services (VoIP). ...
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ntl contracts Ericsson for VoIP development; announces GBP600m ...
TeleGeography - Washington,D.C.,USA
UK cable giant ntl Incorporated has selected Ericsson as technology and services partner to help develop its VoIP network. Under ...
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Cheap VoIP? It's a 'vish' come true for scammers...
Silicon.com - UK
... The fraudsters are likely to be using stolen identities to set up a voice-response system and acquire local VoIP phone numbers, according to Secure Computing ...
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Bell: Preserving VoIP for troops in South Korea a top priority
Stars and Stripes - Washington,D.C.,USA
CAMP RED CLOUD, South Korea — Fighting to preserve voice over Internet protocol phone service, or VoIP, is one of US Forces Korea commander Gen. ...
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VoIP provider SunRocket (www.sunrocket.com) has introduced an ...
Von Magazine - USA
SunRocket's SunSpots Edition lets customers make unlimited calls to any of the 41 countries and cities designated as "SunRocket SunSpots," including most of ...
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Integrate VoIP with your existing network: Planning considerations
Overview: Learn the critical issues to consider when planning to implement VoIP technology with your existing network infrastructure and legacy telephone ...
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Vonage Sued in VoIP Patent Infringement Case
PC World - USA
The technology used by Vonage to deliver voice-mail service to its 1.6 million VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) telephony customers infringes on another ...
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Phishers come calling on VoIP
... The fraudsters likely use stolen identities to set up a voice-response system and acquire local voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone numbers, according to ...
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Cisco in talks over VoIP deal
Trade Arabia - Manama,Bahrain
... a leading network solutions company, is negotiating with the UAE's telecom operators, Etisalat and du, to launch Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) in the ...
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Cisco eyes VoIP in UAE
AME Info - United Arab Emirates
Although VoIP technology is currently banned in the country, there is a possibility that the situation could change in the next few months if the ...
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Hugh Symons in VoIP launch
Computing - London,UK
Distributor Hugh Symons has claimed its relationship with voice over IP (VoIP) vendor AYC Telecom will continue, despite having launched its own VoIP offering. ...

SanDisk and Skype Introduce U3-Compatible VoIP Software
Geekzone - New Zealand
SanDisk Corporation and Skype have announced a partnership that allows Skype users to make free calls and chat on almost any Microsoft Windows-based PC without ...
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Should SMBs Really Consider VoIP?
InfoWorld - San Francisco,CA,USA
... sandpaper. VoIP's here and it's no longer a bleeding edge curiosity. ... on. So the question has to be asked: Should SMB take VoIP seriously. ...

Ericsson wins 5-yr VoIP order from UK's ntl:Telewest
Forbes - USA
STOCKHOLM (AFX) - LM Ericsson AB said it has won a 5-year order to help the UK's ntl:Telewest to develop its telephone network using Voice-over-Internet ...
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Taipei plans citywide Wi-Fi VoIP
VNUNet.com - UK
The city of Taipei is building a citywide VoIP network that will allow users to make calls on internet-enabled mobile phones. The ...

New VoIP Phones Take On High-End PSTN and Cellular Features
VoIP News - San Francisco,CA,USA
New phones highlight the push for VoIP providers to move aggressively into more popular consumer markets, especially wireless. The ...
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With TerraSip: VoIP in every Internet Café
Verivox - Heidelberg,Germany
... Users do not need to bother with downloads, software installation, complicated VoIP gateways or conventional telephone systems. ...


VoIP deve gerar 25% da receita da Trellis este ano
ti inside - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
A Trellis estima que as vendas de soluções de voz sobre IP (VoIP) deverão representar 25% do seu faturamento bruto até o final desse exercício. ...

Chariot accused of more falsehoods by Transcom
iTWire - Australia
In response to our earlier report of the conflict between Transcom International and Chariot over their plans to collaborate on a VoIP service, Transcom ...
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VoIP Howto
VoIP Howto. Roberto Arcomano
berto@fatamorgana.com. v1.7, August 7, 2002 ...
3.3 What is the advantages using VoIP rather PSTN? ...

FBI plans new Net-tapping push
CNET News.com - San Francisco,CA,USA
... Assistance for Law Enforcement Act is necessary to thwart criminals and terrorists who have turned to technologies like voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP. ...

VoIP no threat to Euro telcos - Moody's
NEWS.com.au - Australia
... But Moody's said that while VoIP (voice over internet protocol) would erode revenue, the effect would be small, and any losses would be offset by broadband ...

El Salvador Successful Leap into VOIP Bandwagon
PR.com (press release) - Levittown,NY,USA
Pensacola, FL, July 08, 2006 --(PR.COM)-- DIDX.org network, the world Leader in wholesale VoIP number offering, with over 2500 global telcom members, now ...


Como proteger sua rede VoIP
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... voz sobre IP. Saiba como se defender. As redes de VoIP finalmente chegaram como aplicação do mainstream. A venda de equipamentos ...

Medidas defensivas protegem servidores de voz
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Fortalecer os servidores e empregar medidas contra intromissão e soluções para detecção de intrusão no host aprimora a segurança da rede VoIP de uma ...

Alternativas para o desenvolvimento de VoIP no Brasil
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Para estimular a adoção do VoIP, a Anatel só precisaria alterar a regulamentação ou criar uma nova modalidade do STFC ou do SCM. Por Guilherme Ieno Costa. ...


Integradora PL lança telefone IP
Info Canal - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
A integradora PL Tecnologia está lançando produtos de VoIP (Voz sobre IP) com marca própria. O objetivo é disputar oportunidades ...
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Auricular Bluetooth optmizado para VOIP
T3 - Toda a Tecnologia de Topo - Lisboa,Portugal
A Plantronics apresenta o primeiro auricular Bluetooth optimizado para VOIP, o Voyager 510 USB. Este auricular faz uso da tecnologia ...

Internet telephony and VoIP: What's the difference?
Macworld - San Francisco,CA,USA
If you want to dive into the world of Internet telephony but prefer to use your existing phone—not VoIP software on your Mac—as your primary calling device ...
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Legal Bun Fight Over VoIP Deal Escalates
VoIP News Australia - Brisbane,Australia
... licence agreement valued at $1 million. The idea was to roll-out a VoIP telephony service in Australia. Initially due for launch in ...
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A web-based telephone system offers users cheap or even free calls ...
Telegraph.co.uk - United Kingdom
Only half of us in the UK have even a basic idea of what Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) actually is, according to communications watchdog Ofcom. ...
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BandTel and Zultys Partner for VoIP Termination
VoIP Magazine (press release) - San Francisco,CA,USA
BandTel, a provider of VoIP-to-PSTN termination services, has announced it has entered into a interoperability agreement with Zultys Technologies, a ...

South Korea to block VoIP to US military bases - report
TG Daily - USA
A spat between American VoIP companies and the South Korean government has threatened to shut down a communications channel between US soldiers and their ...

Taipei aims for mega VoIP network for mobile services
TechWhack - New Delhi,Delhi,India
The city government of Taipei is hoping to have as many as 200,000 citizens making telephone calls using VoIP over citywide Wi-Fi network by the end of this ...
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True issues shares, gears up for VoIP
Bangkok Post - Thailand
... The fund-raising comes as True gears up to tap the potential of the voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) market, which is projected to grow at least tenfold to ...

Affiniti signs Griffin to aid VoIP offering
Computing - London,UK
Affiniti has partnered with ISP Griffin Internet to improve the VAR’s voice over IP (VoIP) offering to its channel. IP Centrex ...

Vonage IPO: The VoIP Race Is On
E-Commerce Times - USA
... If that happens, Vonage will have the last laugh. In January 2005, I wrote an article for the E-Commerce Times entitled VoIP Here to Stay. ...
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Skype diminui gastos com telefonia
Diário do Grande ABC - Santo André,SP,Brazil
Com a popularização dos programas de mensagens instantâneas e de VoIP (voz sobre IP) dotados de aplicações de vídeos, fazer e receber essas ligações ...

VoIP Phones for EarthLink Wi-Fi Networks?
Wi-Fi Networking News - Seattle,WA,USA
... Over at GigaOm, they’re saying EarthLink will sell Wi-Fi-only VoIP phones in fourth quarter: For $10 to $25 per month, the voice plan will include calling ...

Connecting the Islands: VoIP Peering Solution from Nomimum, Acme ...
TMCnet (press release) - USA
In recent years, Voice over IP (VoIP) has fundamentally altered the way voice services are delivered. But, many VoIP deployments ...

Improve VoIP management with these best practices
A successful voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) deployment requires careful consideration of and adequate planning for the system's long-term management ...
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Nigeria: Continental Bodies Declare Support for African VOIP Forum ...
AllAfrica.com - Washington,USA
... Providers (ISP) Association and the ISP Association of Nigeria have joined an impressive list of industry bodies supporting the third African VoIP Forum to be ...

VoIP speaker phone operates by voice via Speakables
Macworld - San Francisco,CA,USA
ClearOne and Speakables have announced that ClearOne’s Chat 50 Voice over IP (VoIP)-enabled speaker phone allows Mac users to operate VoIP applications by ...
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Nokia Calls Up VoIP For Wi-Fi Tablet
Wi-Fi Planet - Darien,CT,USA
Internet Tablet OS 2006 significantly adds support for Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP) calling. ... The update also supports SIP-based VoIP solutions. ...

Island Business - Suva,Fiji
Depending who you’re talking to, Voice-Over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) can be a tricky subject. Among those who would prefer not ...

Over States' VoIP Role
National Journal - Washington,DC,USA
... the markup. At the same time, the FCC detailed its decision to apply the universal service telephone fund to VoIP providers. Such ...

Linksys faz road show sobre VoIP para revendedores de tecnologia
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
A Linksys, divisão da Cisco, realiza de julho a agosto o road show VoIP Linksys "Sua voz vai mais longe pela Internet". Este é ...
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"Nosso foco com tecnologia VoIP é a região 1", diz diretor de ...
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
A unidade de negócios Oi VoIP do grupo Telemar é a principal estratégia da empresa na oferta de serviços baseados na tecnologia VoIP. ...

Pesquisa revela que 12% das empresas já adotaram serviços VoIP
Administradores - Rio de Janeiro,RJ,Brazil
A pesquisa registrou, ainda, que 36% das 917 pessoas ouvidas já utilizam a tecnologia VoIP; exatos 22% confirmaram que pretendem implantá-la nos próximos ...
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Com soluções de VoIP e de mobilidade feitas sob medida, pequenas ...
PC World - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... Investir em soluções de mobilidade e em telefonia via internet (VoIP) não é só uma boa oportunidade no momento, é uma recomendação competitiva. ...


Estudo aponta critérios para escolha de operadora VoIP
estadão.com.br - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... junto a profissionais de empresas de todos os portes para determinar o que é levado em consideração na hora de escolher um provedor de serviços de VoIP. ...

VOIP provider launches customer feedback programme
Thewisemarketer.com (subscription) - UK
IPcelerate, a US-based provider of communications-based software has launched a new customer feedback programme called 'ImPacT' for its loyal VoIP (voice over ...

Opera Australia to make its voice heard with VoIP
Computerworld - Framingham,MA,USA
... has signed a two-year deal with a telecommunications provider to supply voice, data and mobile services and an IP-based PBX to support its migration to VoIP. ...

Web Hosting and Telecom Firm, Primus Canada, Expands VoIP Delivery
TheHostingNews.com (press release) - Milwaukie,OR,USA
... The Hosting News) - July 5, 2006 - Telecommunications and web hosting provider, Primus Canada, will deploy the joint solutions of VoIP solutions provider ...

VoIP Company Citel planning an IPO
TechWhack - New Delhi,Delhi,India
British voice over internet protocol (VoIP) firm Citel has said that they are planning to launch an initial public offering on London’s junior AIM market. ...
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New Mitel IP Phones Leverage TI’s VOIP Technology
Wireless Design & Development Asia - Singapore
Texas Instruments and Mitel, have announced that Mitel's new series of IP phones are based on TI's leading Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology. ...

The Road to VoIP: PhoneWars
O'Grady's Power Page - Philadelphia,PA,USA
... to the Internet. This series of articles looks the benefits and risks of VoIP and how the technology is developing. This first article ...

VoIP turns up the heat on firewalls
Help Net Security - Croatia
Because of VoIP, firewalls may never be the same. New research shows that organizations underestimate the demands that enterprise ...

How Primus Canada Arrived at VoIP-enabled POTS
New Telephony - Phoenix,AZ,USA
By Paula Bernier. Having first rolled out VoIP and just recently launched POTS, it kind of seems like Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc. ...

BT delays VoIP phone
Web User - London,UK
BT has delayed the roll-out of its new cordless VoIP phone amid concerns over the safety of the device. Despite having passed all ...

Kenya: Finally, VOIP Goes Mobile
AllAfrica.com - Washington,USA
International calling rates were set to fall after the two cellular operators got international gateway licences. Both Celtel Kenya ...

ETML lançará VoIP e CSP
ti inside - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
A ETML, espelhinho que atua no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, anunciará em breve o lançamento de seu serviço de VoIP e de seu código de longa distância, o “34 ...

Check Express adota VoIP para cortar custos em telecom
Computerworld - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
A Check Express, que oferece consultas de cheques e restrições ao crédito de pessoas físicas e jurídicas, adota solução da Diveo de VoIP para melhorar ...
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Exponential-e launches hosted VoIP services
Telecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands
UK-based provider of bespoke network solutions Exponential-e has launched a range of VoIP services which enable its customers to run voice over their existing ...

Europe overcharging for mobile call termination
VNUNet.com - UK
Mobile phone companies in Europe are charging "unrealistic" fees for call termination, according to VoIP provider Jajah. Roman Scharf ...

Microsoft unified comms lacks VoIP, IM compliance tools
Computer Business Review - UK
... communications product roadmap, unveiled with much fanfare recently, is missing an important component: regulatory compliance tools for VoIP and instant ...

Choosing Skype Or A VoIP Service Provider
VoIP News Australia - Brisbane,Australia
... amount of media coverage Skype gets, its a little difficult to understand the difference between it and the growing band of specialist VoIP service providers ...

The Last Word In VoIP Deployment?
VoIP News Australia - Brisbane,Australia
The Definitive Guide to Successful Deployment of VoIP and IP Telephony. It's a big call, but this latest eBook courtesy of Integrated ...

Telcos Slash Prices In Response To VoIP
WebProNews - Lexington,KY,USA
The popularity of voice-over-Internet-protocol (VoIP) telephony services is pushing the telecommunications industry to cut prices as customers jump ship for ...

Royal Belfast Hospital Deploys Two Ounce Voice Badges Utilizing ...
Broadband Wireless Exchange (press release) - Gilbert,AZ,USA
... Combining the leading-edge technologies of Wireless LAN (WiFi), Voice over IP (VoIP), and speech recognition, Vocera allows users to communicate, make decisions ...

Retro Handsets For Mobiles And VoIP Calls
Digital-Lifestyles.Info - London,England,UK
... back from £40 upwards. All the phones work with most mobiles and can be hooked up to PCs for VoIP calling with their £8 Y*Cable.


True Internet launching PC-based VoIP service
TeleGeography - Washington,D.C.,USA
True Internet, a unit of Thai telco True Corp, will this week launch consumer VoIP telephony, initially as a PC-to-PC only service. ...

VoIP generates business for tech companies
... The growth in Internet-enabled communications, known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), has sent technology and telecommunications companies scrambling to ...
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Siemens joins Acme and Nominum to promote VoIP peering
Computer Business Review - UK
... Inc, an ISV that develops DNS and DHCP server software for carriers, and session border control, SBC, vendor Acme Packet Inc for the promotion of VoIP peering. ...

St. Louis telecom firm extends reach into Texas market
San Antonio Business Journal - San Antonio,TX,USA
NetLogic Inc. is expanding its Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) business to Texas. St. ... The service will be marketed under the VoIP Choice brand. ...

Vonage to Target Enterprise Market with “V-Phone” Mobile VoIP ...
Teleclick.ca - Victoria,BC,Canada
The V-Phone is a 256MB USB drive, which comes loaded with VoIP software, and lets users remotely access their Vonage accounts from any computer in the world. ...

Raychem Introduces Integrated Overcurrent/Overvoltage Protection ...
Nikkei Electronics Asia - Hong Kong
... functionality and coordinated protection capabilities allow for use in a wide range of telephony and voice-over-Internet-protocol (VoIP) equipment applications ...

IBM, Verso Team on Linux-Based VoIP Service for eServer
TechNewsWorld - Sherman Oaks,CA,USA
Verso Technologies said Thursday it teamed with IBM (NYSE: IBM) to offer its MetroNet VoIP Overlay service on IBM's eServer BladeCenter platform. ...

Hip Telecom takes over Primeira Escolha VoIP customers
Telecom Paper (subscription) - Houten,Netherlands
Brazilian VoIP telephony operator Hip Telecom has taken over the customer base of rival VoIP operator Primeira Escolha. As a result ...


Concorrência em banda larga deve ampliar oferta de VoIP
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
Se ainda há dúvida de que as concessionárias vão lançar serviços VoIP nos próximos anos, a pesquisa "Barômetro Cisco Banda Larga", feita em parceria ...

Pesquisa diz que 25% dos call centers usam VoIP
ti inside - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
A tecnologia VoIP está presente em 25% dos call centers brasileiros. Essa é uma das conclusões da pesquisa Global Call Center ...

2S se especializa em logística para usuário VoIP
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
A 2S está fazendo do portal Box2Home uma empresa de logística especializada em telefonia sobre internet (VoIP). A estratégia ...

Critérios para a escolha de uma operadora VoIP
B2B Magazine - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
É nítido o crescimento da demanda por telefonia de voz sobre IP (VoIP), comprovando diversas pesquisas que apontam 2006 como o ano em que as adesões da VoIP ...
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Yahoo! Messenger 8.0 está ainda mais forte
Correio do Estado - Campo Grande,MS,Brazil
... Yahoo! Messenger com voz 8.0, um programa de mensagens instantâneas que utiliza VoIP (voz sobre IP), o mesmo recurso do Skype. ...
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Segurança, ERP e VoIP são prioridades de investimento em TI
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... três pilares: segurança da informação, a migração para novas versões de pacote de gestão empresarial e os projetos ligados à adoção de VoIP. ...

Cisco libera linha de crédito para operadoras VoIP
Convergência Digital (liberação de imprensa) - São Paulo,Brazil
... A fabricante ingressou no segmento VoIP em 2004, e no ano passado superou a marca de 24% de market share mundial de produtos para o usuário final, contra 22,9 ...

Operadora VoIP chega a 220 mil assinantes
B2B Magazine - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Criada há pouco mais de um ano pelo empresário Orli Machado, a CMSW Telecom, que atua na área de telefonia VoIP, chega aos 220 mil assinantes fixos do ...
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Microsoft quer unificar a comunicação
Link - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
... Ele vai permitir gerenciar ligações em VoIP (chamadas telefônicas pela internet), videoconferências e mensagens instantâneas. ...
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Usar o telefone pela Internet para poupar
Ciência Hoje - Porto,Matosinhos,Portugal
... chamadas próximo do zero e mobilidade dos utilizadores são duas das várias inovações apresentadas pelo sistema de voz sobre Internet da FEUP, o VoIP@ FEUP ...
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VoIP e Linux
IDG Now! - São Paulo,SP,Brazil
Toda história de um programa ou sistema livre começa com uma situação na qual o desenvolvedor principal tinha uma necessidade ou curiosidade e, por falta ...

Phone customers heed call of the free
International Herald Tribune - France
... The average user of Internet voice calling, known as voice over Internet protocol or VoIP, pays $25 a month, according to VoipReview.org, a Web site. ...
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voip-info.org - voip-info.org
Welcome to the VOIP Wiki - a reference guide to all things VOIP ... 2006-06-28 -
Hands ON VoIP Training with Asterisk Training in Seattle July 17-19, 2006. ...

sk the Expert: Choosing a VoIP vendor
SearchCRM.com - Needham,MA,USA
You'll find much more expert advice on call center vendors in our Ask the Expert feature. If you're looking for personalized advice ...

South Korea temporarily lifts decision to block VoIP services
Stars and Stripes - Washington,D.C.,USA
... Dacom and the two other major ISPs, Korea Telecom and Hanaro, want to ban US-based voice over Internet protocol, or VoIP, companies that are not in compliance ...
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Free calls for all as internet telephony war hots up with new ...
Sunday Herald - Glasgow,Scotland,UK
... Until recently, VoIP pin-up Skype’s 54 million registered users ensured their perception as the unassailable king of the internet telephony sector and set ...
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VoIP finally flies
Louisville Courier-Journal - Louisville,KY,USA
The technology was called VoIP -- Voice over Internet Protocol -- and you could use it to talk all night with a friend in Bardstown or Barcelona without paying ...