WirelessBR |
WirelessBr é um site brasileiro, independente, sem vínculos com empresas ou organizações, sem finalidade comercial, feito por voluntários, para divulgação de tecnologia em telecomunicações |
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Página mantida pelo Coordenador
do WirelessBR - Criada em 16/10/05
Atualizada em 15/10/06 Sobre "Direitos" ("Rights")
Coordenadora do Blog: Sandra Regina Matias Santana
Sandra Regina Matias Santana
(sandra.rsantana@ig.com.br) é
formada em Informática com Ênfase em Gestão de Negócios, pela Faculdade de
Tecnologia da Baixada Santista – FATEC (2005).
Também é Técnica em Eletrônica formada pela Fundação Paula Souza – ETE
Aristóteles Ferreira (1995).
Trabalhou por 15 anos na Telefônica onde atuou como secretaria de Seção,
examinadora de linhas telefônicas, administradora do Sistema de Rede Local
“Unix”, administradora de segurança lógica e o ultimo cargo ocupado foi de
Técnica em Telecomunicações no setor de Projetos de Redes Telefônicas (2001).
Estagiou na Prefeitura de Praia Grande desenvolvendo aplicativos de controle de
processo e estágios probatórios (2003) e na Oficina de Hardware da própria
faculdade (2004).
Atualmente está cursando Informática na Fundação Paula Souza – ETE Adolpho
Berezin extensão Praia Grande.
Homenagem e agradecimento à Conrado
Navarro e Eduardo Romariz Duarte
que coordenaram páginas comunitárias anteriores que deram origem à esta. Ambos
continuam atuando como consultores voluntários para assuntos didáticos.
Links para páginas com Mensagens de Grupos de Debate:
Dezembro -
Novembro -
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- Agosto - Julho -
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Abril -
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2007: Dezembro - Outubro - Setembro - Julho - Junho - Maio - Abril - Março - Fevereiro - Janeiro
Outubro -
Setembro -
Julho -
Maio -
ComUnidade WirelessBrasil Site WirelessBR
Complemente sua pesquisa: Google
- Mensagens em Grupos de Debates -
Genesis Engineering, Inc
Yahoo! Notícias
Revista de Negócios de Telecomunicações RNT -
Revista de Negócios em Telecomunicações
O destino das etiquetas inteligentes - Autor: Eduardo Prado
- A identificação por radiofreqüência está chegando - Autor: Michael Stanton
ComUnidade WirelessBRASIL
Novas Tecnologias - Novos Negócios - "Posts"
no "blog-book" de Eduardo Prado
- A mágica do RFID - RFID & WLAN: Um Bom Approach - Três aplicações de RFID - RFID - Uma aplicação - RFID - Radio Frequency Identification
R. Moroz Ltd:
website Precision Dynamics Corporation Texas Instruments RFID Journal USA Department of Defense (DoD). Genesis Engineering, Inc RightTAG Site da Texas Intruments Origem: Intermec 7/13/04 - Beyond the Tag- Finding RFID Value in Manufacturing & Distribution Applications Radio frequency identification (RFID) has always been considered a forward-looking technology. Today, most of the focus is on how emerging Electronic Product Code (EPC) RFID tags can help connect trading partners and align supply chains. However, to see the immediate benefits RFID can provide, manufacturers should look inward at their operation’s own business processes, not forward into just supply chain customer’s compliance requirements. This white paper will show how manufacturers who consistently experience bottlenecks, desire traceability, or who want to reduce the labor required forecasts associated with materials management and replenishment, are excellent candidates to save money with RFID. 7/12/04 - Parts Traceability & Product Genealogy This white paper is for anyone involved in making, storing, and distributing products. It will help them understand the value of tracking items from the time they are created until the time they are sold. Tracking is the primary method of determining production output, knowing where product is located at any given time, and establishing potential income. 4/23/04 - Becoming Lean and Agile with ADC and Real-Time Technologies The widespread movement to lean and agile manufacturing is pulling many companies into unfamiliar territory. Customers and competition are forcing manufacturers to produce their products with less waste, inventory, personnel and resources, while simultaneously giving customers more product and configuration options, all on shorter lead times with more delivery flexibility. 4/6/04 - Meeting New Hours of Service Challenges The effects of new U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) hours-of-service (HOS) regulations are being felt far beyond the drivers who transport loads. By placing new stricter limitations on how many hours truck drivers can work and the off-duty time required between shifts, the DoT effectively put new requirements on entire supply chains to be more prepared and efficient. 3/30/04 - RFID: How it Works and Why it Pays This white paper will help you to understand what RFID is, how it works, describe the current standard and compliance implementation and get the most from your investment. Arming yourself with a good understanding of the technology and important considerations can ensure that the decisions that you make minimize any missteps and maximize your experience. 8/7/03 - The Write Stuff: Understanding the Value of Read/Write RFID Functionality Radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is attracting considerable attention as a complement or even replacement for bar code because of the significant range, speed and unattended reading advantages it provides. However, users should expect more than improved reading before investing in an RFID system. RFID has read/write ability, and users can unlock the full value and benefi ts of the technology by taking advantage of the ability to add and change data on the tag in real time. Read/write RFID creates many new applications in the supply chain and helps accommodate changes in business processes, customer requirements or standards. 8/1/03 - Automating Industrial Supply Chains Technology has driven fundamental changes in the way industrial and manufacturing companies manage their businesses. With the addition of sophisticated solutions, like warehouse management and ERP systems, as well as advanced data capture and wireless networking tools, companies are squeezing more efficiency out of their operations every day. 1/9/03 - RFID Technology in Retail Read about RFID technology - radio frequency identification - and how this technology is already demonstrating measurable results that are dramatically transforming how business is conducted for both retailers and their suppliers. This paper addresses the big picture of RFID and how it will directly benefit retailers by reducing labor costs, simplifying business processes, improving inventory control, increasing sales and reducing shrinkage. 7/17/02 - Professional Services Overview To get the full benefit that automation and wireless technologies offer, you need a plan. To keep on top of new technology, managers can turn to vendors that offer a variety of professional services, including consulting, training, logistics and configuration, project management, and site surveying. This guide explores the different types of services available and key consideration when deciding to use them. 7/10/02 - Cost Justification of an Automated Data Collection System Today, virtually all automation must be financially justified. As a potential user of bar code data collection technology, you should know that data collection in general, and bar coding in particular, is one of the best productivity investments your company can make. The more you analyze your organization's return on technology investments, the more senior management will believe in the automated data collection applications you are trying to implement. This guide is designed to help you accurately analyze and justify your current and future bar code projects. The guide takes an investment analysis approach that explains how a bar code project makes economic sense. 12/19/01 - Radio Frequency Identification Tags For Tracking Plastic Pallets and Reusable Containers Transporting things in quantity, efficiently, is an activity that affects cost and profitability across the supply chain. Fruits and vegetables must go from the field to the retail store quickly to preserve their freshness and therefore the price they can command. Parts and components in manufacture must arrive where needed, when needed to keep the lines moving. The challenge is to move quantities quickly with the least amount of handling in the most efficient and profitable way possible. One of the latest tools to manage quantity distribution is radio frequency identification (RFID) applied to plastic pallets and reusable plastic containers (RPCs). 3/4/01 - Introduction to Radio Frequency Identification RFID is a flexible technology that is convenient, easy to use, and well-suited for automatic operation. It combines advantages not available with other identification technologies. This document provides an overview of RFID technology. Origem: Intermec 8/11/04 - Metro Group (German) Intermec’s Intellitag RFID technology automates pallet tracking for real-time inventory visibility at METRO Group’s Future Store 2/18/04 -
Paramount Nuts 2/18/04 -
Fort McPherson 5/23/03 -
NEXUS: Life in the Fast Lane 4/9/03 -
Old Dominion Freight - Time is Money 12/5/01 -
Honeywell Goes Wireless
Entrevista realizada pela Coordenadora do Blog Entrevistado: Conrado Navarro Entrevista via E-mail:
Complemente sua pesquisa: Google (com opção de páginas em português)
Todo o conteúdo sobre Tecnologia deste Blog foi coletado na web via
sites de busca ou enviado por colaboradores voluntários, com o único propósito
de informar e compartilhar conhecimento, sem finalidade comercial.
Tecnologia, neste caso, é sinônimo de organizações, empresas, produtos e
serviços. Há sempre preocupação em citar as fontes. No entanto, se alguma
pessoa , física ou jurídica, sentir-se prejudicada em seus direitos, basta um
comunicado e a matéria será reformulada ou retirada.
All the contents about technology of this Section were collected in the web
via search sites or were sent by voluntary collaborators, with the only
purpose of informing and sharing knowledge. Technology, in this case, is a
synonim for organizations, enterprises, products and services. There will be
always the preoccupation in mentioning the sources.. However, if any person or
enterprise will happen to feel damaged in their rights, they may just send a
note and the material will be reformulated.